COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Operation

Community based Health Program

Under the health program activities will be carried as follows:
1. Reducing, identifying and monitoring those at risk.
2. Identifying the most vulnerable communities, families and individuals with access to health care and strengthening the Government of Nepal’s health care system

Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion WASH

Housing activities will be conducted in municipalities of districts out of for drinking water, sanitation and hygiene preparation and response. The follow-up program will provide assistance in the areas of sustainability of existing programs and new programs in the areas of quarantine, isolation centers and health institutions and COVID-19 designated hospitals.

Child Protection – CPs

The scope of child protection activities will be all over Nepal through Headquarters. About 230 children have been assisted through this program with the participation and cooperation of the concerned organizations as per the procedure formulated by the Government of Nepal for the rescue and protection of children especially due to Kovid-19 disease. In this follow-up program also, the scope of cooperation will be expedited by working hand in hand with various governmental and non-governmental bodies to address the issues and issues related to children.


To take initiative for the continuity and sustainability of the activities carried out in 2020 by making the local level responsible by further strengthening the activities conducted in 2020 and to help the public authorities in reducing the risk of COVID 19 through the activities added in 2021.

Expected Achievements:

1) To increase the preparedness and response capacity of the people of the community at risk of COVID 19, to increase the capacity to respond to COVID 19, to increase the public awareness about it and to increase the effective monitoring at the local level in coordination with the local government.
2) To increase the capacity of Municipality and Metropolitan level for information and local coordination regarding COVID 19.
3) To provide psychosocial counseling services to the affected children and their families.
4) To increase the health capacity of the local community in the transmission of contagious diseases by providing clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene to the affected communities and schools.